Irrational Coaching
Connecting Reason, Emotion and Behaviour
Irrational Coaching is about helping people make changes, be better and work smarter. Most people who have achieved some degree of success in life have mastered the ability to make rational decisions, analyse information, plan and work towards something. And yet, when it comes to changing our behaviour, improving our interactions, building fruitful relationships and making choices that fulfil us we are often nowhere near as successful as we think we should be. Irrational Coaching connects reason, emotion and behavioural patterns to accelerate development, learning and performance.
But I’m a rational human being, what is this IRRATIONAL stuff?
Irrational - not logical or reasonable
Fact: We are significantly less rational than we think. Marketing experts know this, the advertising industry knows this, sales people know this and, fortunately, technology designers know this.
Well researched examples of our irrationality include:
1) When it comes to helping increase concentration and alertness, pink placebo (sugar) pills are more effective than blue ones and two pink placebo pills are more effective than one.
2) Public speaking is the nation’s number one fear yet no-one ever died from it!
3) We think we are better drivers and funnier than we really are! 90% of us think we’re in the top 50% of drivers and 95% think we’re in the top 50% of people who are funny.
We make decisions every day and have reactions that are non-rational yet we’re usually not aware of this process. We justify to ourselves with logic and reason afterwards so we can keep our sanity.
In our own lives, we consistently over estimate our ability to make behaviour changes (how many people haven’t kept a New Year’s resolution) and (mis)interpret the actions and intentions of others based on our own world view.
Why would I want Coaching?
Coaching is the art of facilitating the development, learning and performance of another.
Performance coaching can be described as a series of guided conversations that enable the “coachee” to discover and implement personal solutions to challenging issues or areas of performance. These solutions, because they are intrinsic to the “coachee”, are more likely to succeed and endure than solutions imposed externally. Coaching is about unlocking potential to maximise performance. It is helping someone to learn rather than teaching them.
Within my 1-1 Coaching I offer two different Coaching programmes depending on the individual’s situation and desired outcomes.
Executive Coaching is a bespoke, highly personalised and in-depth partnership for senior leaders and executives who are ready to move to the next level.
Professional Coaching is for leaders, business owners and professionals who want to be better and more effective in their roles.
Read more about 1-1 Coaching with Ben here